Why You Should Consider Exchanging Vows Before The Wedding

As the day of your wedding nears, you get to focus on the little details. Every wedding requires an exchange of vows as a way of your promise with each other that you will fulfill for the rest of your lives together. You may opt not to share your wedding vows on the wedding ceremony and just do it prior to the wedding. Here’s what you should know about exchanging vows:

Exchange of Vows

The exchange of vows is one of the most important part of the wedding as this is when the magic comes in where you get to hear the vow of your partner to you and share it with your family, relatives and friends. This is where your audience and especially you, get to smile, laugh and even ugly cry. It is where all the emotions will be shown bare and raw.

Who Goes First

Traditionally, the groom is the first one to share his vows first. As time goes by, people are more accepting and open that this tradition is shifting to a gender neutral and equal ceremony where whoever wants to go first can do so. You may discuss it prior to the wedding to avoid waiting time during the ceremony itself. This decision will also show how your family relationship dynamics will be. If you are still undecided after you talked with each other, then you may let fate do its work by tossing a coin or rolling a dice. It will be so much if you do it like that.

Why Exchange Vows Before The Wedding

Exchanging vows before the wedding is not often done as the tradition taught us to exchange vows during the wedding ceremony itself. As time goes by, wedding traditions are altered and change causing some traditions to be gone. Some officiant of weddings encourage a married couple to exchange their vows beforehand instead of sharing and reciting it in front of their guests. This is to give a chance for the couple to keep their own personal and written vows with each other and understand what they are agreeing to each other with their vows. The most important thing about vows is you get to understand each other and be committed with your marriage.