How To Design A Wedding?

After getting engaged, planning a wedding is next. This maybe the hardest and most tedious part of having a celebration. Some couple hire a wedding planner for a stress-free wedding while some opted to have a unique on-hand experience of planning. Here’s what you should take not of when planning or designing a wedding:

Inspiration and Vision

Before you start planning any celebration, the most important thing to think of is your inspiration for the wedding or the event. It is the keyway for you to be able to start your planning and your preparations will all revolve around this. You don’t need to have a specific theme in mind immediately, just look around magazines or books to gather inspiration for your wedding. It is important to not pressure yourself and let the vision naturally occur to you.

One thing that you can also do is to write down some details about your relationship: How it started, things you do together, memorable places you went to, and lastly, favorite things to do.  Once you’ve thought through it, try to translate it into how you want your wedding to be. Who knows, you might make something amazing out of your ideas!

Curate and Focus

Once you got a lot of inspiration, it is time to put it on the board. Curate your ideas and put on a mood board. Create-your-own Pinterest board on a real board. Making a board will help you track what you like and will keep you focused on the right track. Once you’re all set, you will start seeing a trend setting in.

If you know someone who is quite experienced in designing, you may ask for their opinion to help you make your plan more organized. They will also help you remove some ideas are not practical or does not fit your overall plan.

Define and Describe

You’re done with the hardest part of finding what you want and what inspires you. Now, it’s time to finally describe and define your wedding. Describing and defining your dream wedding will pave the way to identifying which style it is close to or it fits. Knowing the style of your wedding will help you when looking for vendors and it also keeps you focused on planning.

Decide, Designate and Design

Now that you’ve finally successfully identified and found the style you want for your wedding; it is time to decide about its specific design elements. You may have an idea already where you want the wedding ceremony and even the reception will take place already, think about how you want the reception to look like, the centerpieces, the kind of food you like, the afterparty and other modes of entertainment that you would want in the venue. Knowing all your plans


Finally, execute the wedding of your dreams by incorporating the design that you worked so hard to plan. Coordinate with great vendors who can successfully provide the services you needed. It is highly recommended for you to have a wedding planner, but you may also try to do these things on your own if you want to have a great feel of your wedding.

Other Tips:

Aside from those mentioned above, here are some other tips that you can follow to have a more organized and hassle-free wedding planning:

Set your Wedding Budget – the wedding budget is one of the driving factors for any wedding-related decisions and it is the first thing that you will tackle.

List your Wedding Priorities – together with your partner, list down your top wedding priorities that you are willing to spend more on. This will also keep you on track and will prevent you on spending on things that you don’t need.

Get Organized – Make a checklist, a spreadsheet or buy an organizer for you to gather all your thoughts, budgets, suppliers, and many more in just a single place. There are also apps available that you can consider using too.

Do things together – involve your partner in decision-making and even the planning. Ask him what he thinks and his opinions regarding things. Keep him involved all the way. This will make your bond stronger and help you grow as a couple.

Make a Checklist – the best thing that you can do is to not forget things by making a checklist. Do things like a pro by keeping one. This will also keep you motivated as you tick of things on your list.