Why You Should Consider Exchanging Vows Before The Wedding

As the day of your wedding nears, you get to focus on the little details. Every wedding requires an exchange of vows as a way of your promise with each other that you will fulfill for the rest of your lives together. You may opt not to share your wedding vows on the wedding ceremony and just do it prior to the wedding. Here’s what you should know about exchanging vows:

Exchange of Vows

The exchange of vows is one of the most important part of the wedding as this is when the magic comes in where you get to hear the vow of your partner to you and share it with your family, relatives and friends. This is where your audience and especially you, get to smile, laugh and even ugly cry. It is where all the emotions will be shown bare and raw.

Who Goes First

Traditionally, the groom is the first one to share his vows first. As time goes by, people are more accepting and open that this tradition is shifting to a gender neutral and equal ceremony where whoever wants to go first can do so. You may discuss it prior to the wedding to avoid waiting time during the ceremony itself. This decision will also show how your family relationship dynamics will be. If you are still undecided after you talked with each other, then you may let fate do its work by tossing a coin or rolling a dice. It will be so much if you do it like that.

Why Exchange Vows Before The Wedding

Exchanging vows before the wedding is not often done as the tradition taught us to exchange vows during the wedding ceremony itself. As time goes by, wedding traditions are altered and change causing some traditions to be gone. Some officiant of weddings encourage a married couple to exchange their vows beforehand instead of sharing and reciting it in front of their guests. This is to give a chance for the couple to keep their own personal and written vows with each other and understand what they are agreeing to each other with their vows. The most important thing about vows is you get to understand each other and be committed with your marriage.

Unforgettable Wedding Send-off Ideas

Imagine a life with positivity, peace of mind and happiness, isn’t it amazing? Why not start incorporating mindfulness in our daily lives by starting today at this very moment. See how it will change your life and the people around you too. Cheers to a mindful beginning!

Wave Streamers

One of a fun way of having a send-off is providing your guests with theme-colored streamers that will wave at you as you leave the wedding. The vibrant colors will definitely look good on your wedding photos and it will bring a nice vibe on your wedding. Make sure to keep the colors close to your theme though for it to match it magically. You should coordinate with your wedding planner regarding this so that he or she could prepare it ahead of time.


No matter what the occasion is, a balloon is always a good idea. It will be better though to buy a biodegradable balloon as to not add to the increasing pollution in the sea and land. Balloons gives off a feeling of love and romance that will surely uplift the moment on your wedding day. It will also be a good idea to tie a note with their well-wishes on the balloon and release them together to have a better feel of the moment. The best time to release the balloon is in the daytime or dawn, where everyone can see it ascending in the sky.

Balloon Toss

Fan of balloons but you don’t want the hassle of a balloon escaping? Then, balloon toss is definitely for you. Balloon toss is best done indoors at it makes the venue even more playful because you can toss the balloon from one guest to the other and enjoy playing with it. It also looks wonderful especially when there’s a lot of balloon and you run across the pile of it. Choose the best texture and color that will enhance your wedding style even more. This will definitely look good on your wedding photos!

Sky Lanterns

There is no better way of getting a romantic and serene vibe than to lit up sky lanterns! Some countries also have festivals where they release sky lanterns all together in the sky and they watch them brighten the sky. Isn’t that amazing? The lighting up of sky lanterns is best done if your wedding reception end after dusk. Everyone will be in awe while watching the lanterns dance in the sky – a moment worth remembering!

Flower Petals

If you are the type of couple who are more of a follower of tradition, then flower petals is for you. Showering a newlywed couple with flower petals is a classic way of congratulating them. One of the nice thing about flower petals is that they vary in color and gives off a sweet and subtle smell that is pleasing for everyone. Don’t forget to toss the flower petals like a flower girl giving way for the married couple.

Blow the Bubbles

A cute and economical way of celebrating the newlywed is to blow bubbles. It looks really nice on photos and gives off a playful vibe after all the seriousness during the wedding ceremony. Bubbles will bring more fun on your wedding and make your guests enjoy too. Be ready for some slimy floor though as the bubble pops, it turns to suds and is quite sticky and slippery if you walk pass through it.

Colored Smoke

We only see colored smoke during fun runs and photo-ops. If you want a really unique and unforgettable wedding send-off then you may try the hand-held smoke bombs! It will only last for a few seconds to minutes but it will look really nice on your wedding photos and I bet your guess will love it too! Ask your guests to pop it all at once to have a better dash of color as it goes through the air.

How To Plan a Beach Wedding

A Beach Wedding is always a good idea as it gives you a feeling of warmth, serenity and peace. It is a wedding and a vacation coupled into one that you and your guests will definitely enjoy! In order to have a hassle and stress-free beach wedding, Here’s what you should take note of:

Wedding Planner

A wedding planner is ideal in every kind of wedding but they are needed the most in destination weddings such as beach weddings. It would be nice if the wedding planner that you booked is familiar with the beach that you are planning to have your wedding as they will easily be able to book the best resort and services that there is around the area. Also, the wedding planner will save you from the hassle of wedding planning and make sure that you will just smile and remember the moment on your wedding day. Wedding planners will also be able to foresee the possible problems that may occur on the day of your wedding and they will be prepared if anything happens.

Location Matters

This is the most important part of a beach wedding where you should consider both the beauty and accessibility of the said resort for your friends and family. When looking for the best resort or location, look for a place where you think will make your wedding the most memorable and enjoyable one. Don’t forget also to look at the weather for your ideal dates to make sure that you don’t get rained on your wedding day. We would like to see Mr.Sun out, don’t we?

Save – The – Dates?

Since you are considering to have a destination wedding, you may need to give your guests an early heads-up for them to be prepared for the trip physically, mentally and financially. As your wedding will somewhat serve as a vacation too, they may need to inform their company or office ahead of time to make sure that they will surely be able to attend your wedding. Ideally, save-the-dates should be sent at least a year prior to the wedding but sending it out 6 months before is okay too as long as you give your guests enough time to prepare.

Also, make sure that the wedding invite has a clear instruction on how to get to the beach wedding venue, the ideal route and the best time to travel. This is to give the guests an idea when they should leave in order to be at the wedding venue on time and not get lost.

Guests Travel and Accommodations

The engaged couple is usually not responsible for the guest’s airfare and hotel accommodation or the meals prior to the wedding. But, it is the role of the engaged couple to help them coordinate with the hotel and make arrangements. Ideally, a hotel block is the easiest and most cost-effective way of saving a lot of money for you and your guests to ensure that they will only have fun during the wedding celebration. You may ask your guests in advance if who are the ones who are confirmed to be going and if they would want you to be the one who will book the hotel for them.

Dress Code

The best part about beach wedding is that it gives off a very casual and care-free vibe and does not require an expensive piece of dress or gown. Of course it still depends on the both of you if you still want a formal dress code for your wedding or go for a more casual one but still looks classy. Whatever you set your mind to, don’t forget to include sample pictures of the type of dress code that you want for your wedding to avoid differences in the outfits of the guests. Take note to keep comfort in check as you are having your wedding outdoors, under the sun and on the beach (stilettos will definitely sink in the sand, right?) .

How To Downsize Your Wedding Guestlist (COVID-19 Edition)

So many protocols have changed the way we interact these days. It has resulted to multiple cancelled public concerts, events and even important occasions such as weddings and birthdays. Sadly, as much as we want to invite everyone to attend the wedding of your dreams, we cannot invite everyone as we need to follow the safety and health protocols implemented in the country today. With that, we made a complete guide on how to downsize your wedding guestlist during this pandemic:

Decisions, Decisions

The only people who can decide whether to push through with the wedding is just you and your partner. The restrictions and protocols keeps on changing from cities to states to even countries. This might pressure you to decide fast in order to avoid another hassle when a new restriction is going to be implemented. This might be taxing for you and your partner but we definitely understand that you have waited far too long to be in each other’s arms.

The quicker you decide on downsizing your wedding, the better because it will allow for the necessary changes to set in place. Don’t forget to inform your wedding planner first before everyone else as she will be the one strategizing on how to maximize the wedding venue and how to make everyone enjoy with you even if they are not present. Also, the guests would love to know if they will be allowed to attend physically so that they can prepare what they needed ahead of time especially for those who needs to travel long distance just to get to the wedding.

Downsize your Guestlist

As much it is hard to decide which of your guests are the ones you should keep and those who didn’t make it to the list, the decision still needs to be made. Prior to starting the process make sure to take a deep breath and bring your focus on what you are planning and doing.

First things first, the immediate family (your parents, siblings and grandparents) of the both of you will definitely be the top 1 in your priority list. They are the ones congratulated you first on your engagement and they are the happiest in your upcoming marriage. Some partners only limits their wedding with their immediate family but if your venue is quite spacious and your state or country permits to add more as long as you will practice social distancing properly then you can add more to that list. You may choose to invite your closest friend and relatives who were witnesses of your love for each other.

Do not also forget to tick-off some people from the guest list including those plus ones, co-workers, friends you don’t connect with anymore and the guests or friends of your parents who you have no real connection with. Remember, your wedding is a day to celebrate the union between you and your partner, it should be worry and hassle-free.

Safety is Our Priority

At this point in time, everyone’s safety should be the priority. Rather than solely focusing on the wedding, you should also need to care for the safety of yourself, your family and even your guests. Like every other event, a wedding is still considered as a party too – but a special one. A party means that there will be a lot of dancing, alcohol and partying that will be happening. That would definitely make everyone excited but wait – think of the possible repercussions of your actions. The moment you hear that a guest contracted COVID, you will second guess if you have contracted the virus too, making your happiness overshadowed by worry and stress. That’s something we wouldn’t want to happen, don’t we?

Still, nobody can stop you if you want to continue with your wedding but make sure that you follow proper safety protocols and the limited numbers of guests according to the recommendation of the state or the country you were in. You may continue with the party but change some of the program flow which will require you or your guests to remove their mask. We want to celebrate the two of you but we also want everyone to go home safely!

Home Weddings: Dos and Don’ts

With COVID-19 still a threat in the world today, many life events like weddings have taken a different course. Many couple opted to spend their weddings at the comfort of their home together with their close friends and family. Still, a wedding should be memorable even when it’s done at home. Here are some things you should take note of when planning a wedding:

Do: Still Hire a Team of Professionals

You may be planning to have your wedding at home but it is still an important event not only for you but also to your family. A wedding at home does not mean that you should just take the preparations for granted. It will still be a great idea to hire an experienced wedding planner to help arrange the whole wedding and remove a bulk of responsibility off your shoulder. There are many ways for an expert to beautifully décor your house and turn it into a different place that is intimate and unrecognizable. Most of the people who did home weddings usually use their backyard. It is not a bad idea as it has great space and it lessens the expenses.

Do: Consider Other Elements

Check the season of which you plan to do the wedding. Is it cold, snowy or even a warm and hot sunny day? The whole wedding planning also considers this as a factor as you may need to prepare more things if it’s going be on a cold season as you have to prepare heaters in advance to make sure that your guests will not get too cold. Knowing the date and season will also help the wedding planners to anticipate what could happen at such time and they will immediately be able to come up with a solution months before the wedding.

Do: Have a Catering Kitchen

We usually have one kitchen in our house but we don’t really want them to make a mess inside our house don’t we? Unlike wedding venues, they have a designated kitchen area for the caterers. Since you don’t have it at home why not make one? You may use your garage or driveway, whichever has a bigger space, to have them a good enough space to prepare the food while being away from the eyes of the guests. Wedding planners have all the connections that they need in order to provide you with the best caterers in town.

Do: Consider the Flow of Events

This isn’t something that a couple who is about to be wed is concerned about. However, hosting a wedding at the comfort of your home means that you have to make sure that you planned out every step and every flow of the wedding event – from the guests’ perspective. Think of where the guests will park their car, how they will get to your house and where will they go before the wedding ceremony starts. This will definitely put your creativity and patience to test.

Don’t: Forget to Check your City Rules

Different cities have different rules. You may need to check with your city if home weddings are allowed and if there restrictions or noise ordinances that may affect your celebration. You wouldn’t want a group of police to be dispatched at your home and ruin your wedding celebrations, wouldn’t you? Better do your research before doing anything. Also, it would be nice to send some courtesy to your neighbors that you will have a wedding party on a certain date for them to be aware that there will be a number of people who’ll be going to your home.

Don’t: Assume your Bathroom will Suffice

Not all houses have the luxury of having more than 2 bathrooms in their home. If you have more than 2, then you are probably lucky. Still, don’t think that your bathrooms will suffice for your guests. We better expect the unexpected in order to avoid any mishaps during the wedding day. If you are not so confident with the number of bathrooms you have and the capacity of your sewage system, then you should consider hiring a portable bathroom. It does not only saves you a lot of time from cleaning the  bathrooms afterwards, it also lessen the hassle for your guests in finding the bathrooms.

Don’t: Forget to put Good Lighting

You may have done the ceremony during daylight, but don’t think that the wedding proper will be finished any time soon as the program will only start after the ceremony itself. Don’t forget to invest on a good lighting especially in the evening to make the venue bright and lively. Also, light a path from the backyard to the front yard in order for your guests to not get lost and easily find their way when going in or out of the house.

Virtual Weddings

Because of the pandemic, many wedding ceremonies were either delayed or was cancelled for the meantime. Some couples who still want to continue the ceremony even without the physical presence of their loved ones opted to host a zoom wedding instead. Not a bad idea, right? Especially if you have grandparents or relatives who are discouraged from going out. Here what zoom weddings are and what you should prepare if you are planning one.

Virtual Weddings

With so many restrictions in place by the government and COVID-19 still lingering around us, there are many celebrations that were put to a halt last year. The vaccinations for COVID-19 have started but many people were not able to get vaccinated yet as some are not recommended to have one, especially the elderly population. It is truly frustrating to not be able to share your happiness with the people who matter to you most like your friends, family and relatives. Nevertheless, distance will not matter for the people whom you love and who loves you. We planned out a simple guide to celebrate your wedding virtually and make the most out of it!

What You Need:

Unlike traditional wedding that needs a wedding planner, a virtual wedding only requires the following:

  • A working computer, phone, tablet that you could use.
  • A Zoom or any other account that does not have a time limit and a good platform which will allow guests to view the wedding hassle-free.
  • An officiant – this depends on the place or country of marriage. Some countries now offer a wedding ceremony via zoom while some still requires the presence of the couple. Better ask this in your local registry of marriage to have more information regarding this.
  • A photographer is still a must! Who doesn’t want to have their wedding documented? Even if they are not physically present with you, they are still celebrating together.
  • A marriage license – check with your local registry to find out more about how to obtain the marriage license especially during the present pandemic.

What You Need To Prepare:

Invite a few guests

Just because you are having a virtual wedding does not mean that you will need to limit the number of your guests too. Some states or countries allows at least 10 people with you during the ceremony. Those whom you want to invite but can’t be due to these restrictions may still join you via online platforms. So aside from yourself, your partner, the officiant and the photographer, you may still invite at least 6 more guests to join you in person.

Pick a meaningful place

The beauty of having a virtual wedding is you have a say on where you want to celebrate it. Whether it be on the suburbs or a forest, as long as there is cell service, you can go there. Some opted to celebrate in the comforts of their home but if you want to still have a unique experience for you and your guests you may look for a beautiful and meaningful place together with your partner. No matter what, make sure that there is adequate cell service with good hotspot or internet connection.

Keep the video call secure

Do not post the meeting ID or link of your wedding anywhere. As much as the internet is concern, hackers are everywhere. You wouldn’t want your wedding to be hacked by anyone, right? Instead of giving the meeting ID, why not give them a specific date and time of the ceremony, just give them the invite or link an hour before it starts.

Press the “Mute” button

Don’t forget to mute everyone before the ceremony starts as to provide an intimate and solemn ambience during the ceremony. This is also to avoid nuisance that may occur. You may easily do this especially if you are the host of the call.

Honeymoon Ideas

Planning a wedding amidst COVID-19 is definitely hard work. There are various restrictions and guidelines that we need to follow, limiting the number of places we can go to. Of course, nobody can stop you from getting married and also experiencing the honeymoon of your dreams.

COVID Restrictions

As the number of COVID cases increases worldwide and a new strain of the virus from UK is emerging, many countries are enforcing travel bans especially to those countries to which there is a confirmed case of the new and more potent strain. Still, some people

Honeymoon Ideas

1. Glamping

Glamping is becoming more popular these days as it gives people a stunning experience with nature while having a break. Glamping is so much better than traditional camping as the tents has hotel-like interiors giving you a unique experience over-all. Also, it is a very good option during this pandemic as glamping is done outdoors and good ventilation can prevent one from acquiring COVID-19. Lastly, there is still a limit on the number of people allowed in a hotel or any place. Making you feel safe while enjoying the company of your new wife or husband.

2. Road Trip

            If you are the type of couple who are in for a great adventure, then why not try having a road trip? Since traveling via airplane is limited, try renting out a camping van and plan out your destination. Make sure to do advance reservations on some destinations to make sure that you will have a smooth trip. Also, you will get to enjoy touring your country like you never did before. Don’t forget to bring your face mask, alcohol and wash your hands every time you go out.

3. Staycation

            Some couples may think that planning a honeymoon anywhere else may be too inconvenient for them. Why not book a hotel room nearby and enjoy each other’s the hotels services and enjoy each other’s company? Or you may also just spend the night at home hanging out with each other and order take-outs. Spending time at home will also help you get to know each other better.

4. Plan a post-COVID honeymoon excursion

If you are not in a hurry and you love planning out things, then this is for you! Instead of doing your honeymoon right now, why not wait for a few more months until the pandemic is controlled. Waiting allows you to do more research about the place you wanted to spend your honeymoon at and also allows you to save more money for it.  You may also try to book hotels or resorts ahead of time as you can do it at least 1 year prior to the date you have in mind. Saves you a lot of cash!

Here are some of the most romantic countries or places to spend your honeymoon in:

  1. Amalfi Coast, Italy
Beautiful colorful Positano town – scenic Amalfi coast of Italy

The Amalfi coast boasts a classically romantic scene of the Positano’s village. It is beautifully lit at night, giving the area a romantic vibe. Take a dip at the beach or just walk around the area and enjoy the beautiful view of the place.

2. Australia

You may choose between Sydney and Melbourne: these two are the most popular places for couples in Australia. Enjoy the urban adventure that the city has to offer. Don’t forget to have a taste of Melbourne’s mecca food which is very popular with tourists. Lastly, why not try a Chris Hemsworth approved glamping in the island of Discovery Rottnest?

3. Baja, California, Mexico

If you are interested about different cultures, this is a place for you. Mexico is popular for its authentic Mexican village in San Jose del Cabo where a lot of white beach are situated. It has a lot of world-class resorts with cool accommodation but without breaking the bank.

4. Bali, Indonesia

Bali is a popular destination for couples! It is said to be the most romantic place in the world. The place itself provides a romantic atmosphere while being close with nature. Lastly, the services of the resorts for couples are beyond everyone’s expectation.

5. Buenos Aires, Argentina

A sexy city with an exciting nightlife – Argentina. It is a popular place for people who wants to have fun and dance! Everyone seems to enjoy dancing in this place. Enjoy your tour around the area by riding a bicycle to go around.

These places are just a few of the most popular honeymoon destination all-over the world. Let’s just wish for COVID to be gone as fast as it could so that we all could go back to our normal lives pre-covid.

Wedding Planner Duties You Don’t Know About

Wedding Planner

A wedding planner are professional people who assists a couple in designing, planning and managing a wedding. They take off the burden of planning from a couple and lets them enjoy their wedding day. Wedding planners usually have garnered connections through years of experience under the industry. This makes it easier for them to reserve popular wedding venue and book the best catering services.

Wedding planners does not need a college degree to be one. They can attend seminars or work under different event’s organizer to increase their experience in the field. When all of it is enough, they can establish their own events agency and slowly accept wedding planning duties.

Other Wedding Planner Duties

Wedding planners are more than just a manager and planner of one’s wedding. Some of them offers more than that. Here’s the other duties of wedding planner that people rarely know about.

1. Initiate Family Mediation – weddings mean making two families become one. As much as wedding planners don’t want to get involved with other people’s life, they need to talk to each party to understand their emotions and concerns. A wedding planner will serve as the mediator and will find compromises in order for both party to agree with each other.

2. Schedule Wedding Meeting – wedding planners does not only look for the best of the suppliers. They also make sure that you are able to book them ahead of the others. They set dates for meetings and blocks out the dream schedule of your choice.

3. Manage Wedding Finances – couples don’t need to worry if they have a steep budget. They just need to communicate with their chosen wedding planner, and they will immediately make a budget-friendly plan for you. They will make sure that even if the wedding is budget friendly, it will a memorable one for you too! Of course, you may opt to increase your budget if you want some necessary changes.

4. Design Elements – whenever people hear about wedding planners, they thought only provide planning, managing and wedding coordination. Wedding planners are creative individuals who has an eye for beauty. You may ask them for their services regarding the color palette, themes, décor and lighting.

5. Wedding Website – this is not known to everyone, but couples may opt to set-up a wedding website where they can upload photos during the wedding and even important events in their life after. A wedding website is a good souvenir for you and your husband.  Wedding planners provide this service and even sets up the website for you!

6. Track your Guests – RSVPs are usually forgotten once given out to guests. Wedding planners makes sure to keep track of the guests to minimize problems on the day of the wedding and at the reception. They call everyone on the list and ask for their response to it.

7. Wedding Customs and Etiquette – couples usually have some knowledge regarding wedding customs and etiquettes especially when they have attended a wedding previously. They may ask help from the wedding planner to determine which of the following should be included in the ceremony and which are not actually needed. They make sure to honor the tradition while providing a memorable wedding for the both of you.

8. Style Wedding Photos – styling events is a planner’s cup of tea, but it does not mean that they are limited to weddings only. They may also provide their styling services in wedding pictorials.

9. Manage Guests – Weddings means that there will be a lot of guests and sometimes, the couple can’t attend to all of them. Wedding planners are there cater to their need and also get rid of unruly guests that may cause a scene in the wedding.

10. No Moments Missed – weddings are moments that a couple wants to remember forever. Wedding planners will make sure that their loved ones are all present and will provide a “moment” that will be forever remembered in the hearts of the husband and wife and their loved ones too. 

Common Wedding Traditions In The UK

You found the partner of your Dreams; the question has been you said the inevitable – YES! Going through the preparations is tough enough! Lucky enough, you don’t need to think about making your own ceremony as we have wedding traditions, which has been passed down from generations to generations, that you can follow to have a hassle-free wedding!

Wedding Traditions

Stag Parties for Men and Hen Dos for women

Ever heard of bachelor or bachelorette parties? Well it is not popular in the Great Britain. Instead of that, the Bride’s friends celebrate the “Hen dos” while the Groom’s friends celebrate through “Stag parties”. This is done days or month away from the big wedding day. It usually involves travelling to a different country within Europe and involves a lot of alcohol, games and terrible fancy dress for women.

The White Dress

Wearing a white dress during a wedding has become a must all-over the world. It was not like this previously until the world saw what Queen Victoria wore to marry Prince Albert: An Ivory white gown. This instantly became a fashion statement for brides and has ever since became a symbol of love in weddings.

Giving Away the Bride

Giving away the bride in the most respectful way. The groom will ask for the bride’s hand in marriage prior to the wedding while during the ceremony, the father will finally let go of their daughter and allow her to be one with the groom. This can be considered as the most heartwarming, beautiful moment in any wedding. Although the reason behind this is not quite good to know. Daughters, before, were like properties of their fathers and is literally sold to the groom. It is fortunate that the meaning of this gesture changed and became a wonderful moment between the bride, the groom and their father.


Have you watched the wedding of Kate Middleton with Prince William? Did you notice how all of the guests wore such sophisticated hats during the wedding? Old-school wedding in the Great Britain involves wearing of hats during such occasions this has since then continued until now. They usually put a small headpiece pinned on the hat or on the head to make it more beautiful.

“Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue”

This tradition or superstition came from an old rhyme by an English poet: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe.” It was said on the superstition that the bride should have four things on her as a person for good luck and prosperous marriage: something old refers to something passed down like a family heirloom while something new refers to an item recently bought. Something borrowed refers to an item not purchased and something blue is anything that has a blue color in it.

The Wedding Rings

What is a wedding without the wedding rings? The use of wedding rings was from the Egyptians, where circular shape symbolizes eternity. Since then, it was used in weddings. The couple wears the wedding rings on the left finger of the left hand. It is on the left hand that they believe that the “vein of love” is located which leads to the heart.

Throwing Rice

This tradition came from the ancient Rome where throwing of grains of wheat or oat at the newlyweds were believed to bring them fertility and wealth. Currently, some people still throw rice while some modified it to flowers or even confetti as it is more colorful and does not hurt unlike rice.

Wedding Ceremonies

Weddings in the UK often start around midday or one o’clock in the afternoon. Meghan and Harry’s wedding started at 12 noon. The British people are not used to having a wedding late in the afternoon and believes that the earlier the wedding the better.

The Groom can’t look back at the Bride while walking down the aisle

In other countries, the groom patiently waits for the bride while walking in the aisle to reach the altar. It is in this moment that the groom feels an overwhelming emotion that some of them even cry while looking at their beautiful bride. In Britain, the groom is not allowed to take even a peek at his bride who’s walking down the aisle. He should only keep his eyes at all times on the altar and the best man will be giving him encouraging words.

The First Dance

If you watched any British traditional movie then I think you are familiar with this. The first dance is normally the opening number that kicked off the party. It is a must that the host, usually the bride’s father, dances with her first, then followed by the groom.

The Bouquet Toss

This tradition may be one of the popular especially for the bride’s team. This tradition came from the 15th Century Britain, where guests would have to try and tear bits of the bride’s dress as a sign of good luck on them. Nowadays, it is no longer practiced. In order to keep the tradition going, brides now toss her flowers to the group of women who will run just to get it!

The Conga Line

It is a common scene in weddings or even parties in the UK. When a conga line starts forming, no matter how old or young you are, you are socially obliged to follow and get in the line. Note: You will never stop walking around in a line until the first person stops!

The Wedding Breakfast

After the ceremony, the guests will accompany the newly-weds to a wedding breakfast which include 2 kinds of cake. The 1st cake is like a fruitcake and is given in place of a traditional wedding cake. While the 2nd cake or the groom’s cake is usually chocolate flavored.

What Is A “Wedding Planner Checklist” ?

Congratulations on your engagement! We bet you are as excited as we were on this new milestone in your life. Planning a wedding may be fun and a bit overwhelming for you at first. Worry not, with enough time to plan and sort all the needed details for your dream wedding, it will definitely come true!

Wedding Planner

Do you always hear other people referring to a certain “wedding planner” to serve as the moderator and coordinator for everything that is related to the planning of the upcoming wedding? Ever wonder what do wedding planners really do?

Wedding planners are your gateway to find the best vendor referrals and contract negotiations that can execute your vision for your upcoming wedding. The wedding planners are the ones responsible for the behind-the-scenes of the wedding, making the planning as easy as possible. The wedding planner also takes into account the couple’s theme and also the budget. They are the best at what they do. Planning is a skill they gained from years of experiences from working under different companies or from planning their own events themselves.

Aside from planning, the wedding planners, upon request, can also share their design or styling services that can help in the creative specifics of your wedding day making it as unique as possible. Making them your stylist means that you don’t need to hire a wedding stylist which can help you save a lot of money.

Wedding Planner Duties

  • Spends about 80 to 250 hours in total in wedding planning.
  • Looks for vendor referrals and negotiates the contract according to the requests of the client.
  • Schedules and attend meetings with the vendors.
  • Created a detailed timeline and floor plans for the wedding.
  • Helps the client know their target budget and manage it.
  • Do site visits and menu taste test.
  • Shares ideas and brainstorm together with the client for the design details of the wedding.
  • Coordinates with hotel or resort booking and transportation of the guests and the entourage.
  • Plans a rehearsal for the wedding and manages it.
  • Oversees everything on the wedding day. Making sure that all vendors are coordinated and are able to come at the designated time.
  • Ensures that the couple’s vision will come true

Wedding Planner Checklist

Many people nowadays opted to hire a wedding planner just because they are busy with their jobs and don’t have time to plan every detail for their wedding. Some just want a smooth and hassle-free wedding that’s why they got a wedding planner. Whatever reasons you may have, it is your choice if you want to hire a planner or not. Still, you may need to know the timeline and checklist of a wedding planner.

12 Months

Before starting anything, the most important thing to do is determine your budget. You have to figure out who’s paying for what and how much you can shell out for your wedding. From there we can make a break down for the said budget and make your envisioned wedding possible. This breakdown will either go up or down as you go along with the planning. If you are planning your own wedding, better track your spending in excel.

I bet you and your partner plans to invite almost every person that pops in your mind. OF course, you cannot invite everyone right? When deciding your head count, always keep your budget in mind. Think of how much you are willing to spend to your guest and how many people will fit in your chosen venue. If you and your partner are going to share for the bills, always assume that you’ll get 70% of the invites, while 30% will split for both sets of parents. List down your potential guests then negotiate with each other who you both want to invite until you reach a final number of guests.

At this time, it is also recommended to think of whether or not you are planning to hire a wedding planner. Again, always think of your budget at the back of your mind.

Lastly, have an intimate talk with your partner and have a mutual decision regarding the theme of your wedding, the entourage, and the possible wedding venues that you have in mind. It is important to consider and respect each other’s vision of the wedding.

11 Months

Your wedding may be the best event that only happens once in your life. Make it even memorable by selecting the best caterer that fits your budget at the same time provides the best quality of food for you and your guest. Enjoy the menu tasting of each caterer and select the best!

Choose a color theme and slowly start thinking of the overall design of your wedding. Gather all the inspiration that you can get and draw your vision from these. Also, look for vendors who book up quickly such as photographer, band, DJ and videographer. Some vendors require almost a year of booking prior to the event as their services are wanted by many.

10 Months

Start looking for your dreamy wedding dress. You may or may not know exactly what type of wedding dress you want but going around different boutiques will help you find the best wedding dress for you. Next, start booking hotel or resort- room blocks for your guests. Some dates are popular and booking early will lessen the chances that you will have a problem with the bookings on your wedding date.

You already booked the photographer, why not schedule an engagement session since most of the photographers include this in their package. It will be memorable on your photobook. Lastly, start looking at invitations. Get inspiration from Instagram or from a movie you saw or another person’s wedding. You may even create your own design as you like.

9 Months

Buy your wedding dress. If last month it is all about looking, now you should have found “the one”. Also, this is the best time to make the wedding official by sending out “Save the date” invite which is different form a wedding invite.

8 Months

Bring your entourage and start the scheduling of fittings for your bridesmaids’ dresses.  Let them tell you what they want to wear and cater to it as long as its within your budget. Make sure that their dresses are not mismatched and are in sync with your chosen theme or color.

Look for potential florists. Flowers makes everything vibrant especially on a wedding. It creates different moods using different sets of flowers. It is important to find someone who can execute your vision well but fits your budget.

7 months

Schedule the rehearsal dinner and book the venue. You can also make it a family dinner at the same time to better know each-other’s family and make it as a casual celebration for your upcoming wedding.

At this time, you should have found and ordered rental items such as sound system, draping, linens, specialty chair, dance floor etc. That you may want to add on your wedding to make it even more fun.

Lastly, don’t forget to hire an officiant for your wedding. To make it more intimate, you can hire a relative or a close friend to do officiate the wedding.

5 months

5 months before the wedding, hire a lighting technician. It is the most important detail that some couples forget. Better lighting, especially at night, can make a difference for your wedding dinner and after-party.

Book the limo or specialty car that the newlyweds will use. If it does not fit your budget, you can opt to borrow a nice car from a relative or a friend.

Lastly, book your much-awaited honeymoon! This should be a surprise by the groom but of course, you can plan it together. After-all, the two of you will be the one to enjoy this vacation.

4 months

Begin your premarital counseling. Whether you came from a religious or non-religious background you are required to talk to a counselor to provide you with healthy conflict solutions that you can use in the future. Also, the Groom’s tuxedo should have been bought already. The tuxedo should be tailor-made and flattering when worn by the groom.

You should also be done with the final menu tasting and should have chosen and ordered your wedding cake. You and your partner should agree on what flavor you want for your wedding cake.

Lastly, don’t forget to buy your wedding rings! This is the second most important during the wedding and should not be confused with the engagement ring.

3 months

Finally, Order the invitations for your upcoming wedding. Make sure to carefully check each name and details to avoid confusion and error in the invitations.

Write your vows for your wedding. This can take a lot of time so do it ahead of time while you still have 3 more months. You can ask for help when writing the vow. Make sure that it is unique as possible.

Select the bible verses that you want the readers to read during the wedding proper. Also, meet with the officiant at this time and invite him or her to the rehearsal dinner. Make sure that the officiant is aware of the specifics of the wedding and how you want the ceremony to go.

2 months

Start sending out the wedding invitations with the reservations due a month before the wedding. Also, send-out rehearsal dinner invitation to the family of the groom and bride.

This is the time for dress fitting! Last minute changes or alterations should be done two months prior to the wedding. Also, don’t forget to pick-up your marriage license. Different states have different requirements so better ask for these before going to getting your marriage license.

Give selections of your favorite songs to the band or DJ and choose the song you want for the ceremony itself.

1 month

Don’t forget to pay all of the vendors in full. Create a seating chart to balance the relationships, egos and potentials of your guests seating together. Make sure to have a final walk-through with the venue and there are no problems with it.

Final week!

Congratulations! After months of planning, your wedding will finally happen in a few days. Take a deep breath and smile because you deserve it! During the final week, focus on yourself. Pamper yourself by getting a massage, go to the salon, get your eyebrows done or go to a waxing salon.

If your honeymoon is scheduled immediately after your wedding, better prepare your bags now because you will be very busy on your wedding day. Practice your vows out loud to release all the tension and increase your confidence when saying it to your partner during the ceremony.

We hope you enjoy the whole process of planning your dream wedding! Feel free to use or follow our checklist and modify it according to your taste.