How To Downsize Your Wedding Guestlist (COVID-19 Edition)

So many protocols have changed the way we interact these days. It has resulted to multiple cancelled public concerts, events and even important occasions such as weddings and birthdays. Sadly, as much as we want to invite everyone to attend the wedding of your dreams, we cannot invite everyone as we need to follow the safety and health protocols implemented in the country today. With that, we made a complete guide on how to downsize your wedding guestlist during this pandemic:

Decisions, Decisions

The only people who can decide whether to push through with the wedding is just you and your partner. The restrictions and protocols keeps on changing from cities to states to even countries. This might pressure you to decide fast in order to avoid another hassle when a new restriction is going to be implemented. This might be taxing for you and your partner but we definitely understand that you have waited far too long to be in each other’s arms.

The quicker you decide on downsizing your wedding, the better because it will allow for the necessary changes to set in place. Don’t forget to inform your wedding planner first before everyone else as she will be the one strategizing on how to maximize the wedding venue and how to make everyone enjoy with you even if they are not present. Also, the guests would love to know if they will be allowed to attend physically so that they can prepare what they needed ahead of time especially for those who needs to travel long distance just to get to the wedding.

Downsize your Guestlist

As much it is hard to decide which of your guests are the ones you should keep and those who didn’t make it to the list, the decision still needs to be made. Prior to starting the process make sure to take a deep breath and bring your focus on what you are planning and doing.

First things first, the immediate family (your parents, siblings and grandparents) of the both of you will definitely be the top 1 in your priority list. They are the ones congratulated you first on your engagement and they are the happiest in your upcoming marriage. Some partners only limits their wedding with their immediate family but if your venue is quite spacious and your state or country permits to add more as long as you will practice social distancing properly then you can add more to that list. You may choose to invite your closest friend and relatives who were witnesses of your love for each other.

Do not also forget to tick-off some people from the guest list including those plus ones, co-workers, friends you don’t connect with anymore and the guests or friends of your parents who you have no real connection with. Remember, your wedding is a day to celebrate the union between you and your partner, it should be worry and hassle-free.

Safety is Our Priority

At this point in time, everyone’s safety should be the priority. Rather than solely focusing on the wedding, you should also need to care for the safety of yourself, your family and even your guests. Like every other event, a wedding is still considered as a party too – but a special one. A party means that there will be a lot of dancing, alcohol and partying that will be happening. That would definitely make everyone excited but wait – think of the possible repercussions of your actions. The moment you hear that a guest contracted COVID, you will second guess if you have contracted the virus too, making your happiness overshadowed by worry and stress. That’s something we wouldn’t want to happen, don’t we?

Still, nobody can stop you if you want to continue with your wedding but make sure that you follow proper safety protocols and the limited numbers of guests according to the recommendation of the state or the country you were in. You may continue with the party but change some of the program flow which will require you or your guests to remove their mask. We want to celebrate the two of you but we also want everyone to go home safely!